Competitor Info
Flower Entry Check-In
- Submit a quart-sized mason jar worth of your entry (about 1-2oz)
- VIP Competitors: check in at VIP party Friday
- Competitors: check in Fri 2-3pm at the event venue, or 10:30am Sat morning at the eventĀ
- We cannot guarantee that we will be able to return the unused portion (if any) of your entry.
- Your entry will be transferred to one of our 1 quart mason jars, lidded and numbered.
- You are welcome to include a humidity pack with your entry, but it is not required.
- All entries will be scanned by Nasal Ranger to detect the presence of any terp enhancement sprays.
- Violators will be shamed publicly and repeatedly.
- Your jar number will remain secret until the conclusion of tasting.
Tasting and Voting
- Competition runs from 12-5pm
- All judges will get a glass one-hitter and lighter.
- Budtenders will be serving samples in the Main Tent.
- Each judge will receive five JR Tokin voting tokens.
- Each competition entry will have an associated Recharge bag to collect voting tokens.
- Drop one or more of your tokens into the Recharge bag to vote for your favorite competition entries.
- Competition entry that collects the most JR Tokin voting tokens wins.
- No cheating.
Hash Bash Entry Check-In
- Submit 14g of your entry
- Competitors: check in 10:30am Sun morning at the eventĀ
- We cannot guarantee that we will be able to return the unused portion (if any) of your entry.
- Your entry will be transferred to one of our jars, lidded and numbered.
- All entries will be scanned by Nasal Ranger to detect the presence of any terp enhancement sprays.
- Violators will be shamed publicly and repeatedly.
- Your jar number will remain secret until the conclusion of tasting.
Tasting and Voting
- Competition runs from 12-5pm
- Each judge will receive five JR Tokin voting tokens.
- Each competition entry will have an associated Recharge bag to collect voting tokens.
- Drop one or more of your tokens into the Recharge bag to vote for your favorite competition entries.
- Competition entry that collects the most JR Tokin voting tokens wins.
- No cheating.